Dirty Fingers

Perth, Australia
It has been 7 years since our LBA. Whilst we’ve had some MSA’s around Australia and Japan, it looks like it is now time for our NBA. Like an Australian commentator at the Olympics, we like to be predictable. So we are re-launching the blog today.

If a picture speaks 1000 words then a moving picture must speak 25 x 270 x 1000 words = lots more. What better way to launch the blog than with a badly put together home movie backed with country and western music?

I thank you….

LBA – Last Big Adventure
MSA – Medium Sized Adventure
NBA – Next Big Adventure


Click HERE for good quality youtube version if you have trouble viewing the video in this blog


  1. Sweet lordy! I knew it was a huge operation but….. Very satisfying to see it all come together. Ride safe, you two! Can’t wait for the next post! 🙂

  2. Excellent work! I’d forgotten how forlorn Frank made you feel sometimes. Now, long live Stein! Happy travels xx

  3. Just been catching up with all your blogs. I had no idea! The bike!!! Speechless!!!! What an achievement!! Travel well & safe!! Hx

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